The Kurt Hahn Consortium for Values and Experiential Learning
Associate Professor: The Pennsylvania State University
Pete Allison, PhD
Values and Experiential Learning

Articles Published in Refereed Journals
*(Many of these articles can be found on and
Marshall, A., Allison, P. R. , & Hearn, J. (In Press). The question of significance: Tall Ship Sailing and Virtue Development. Journal of Moral Education.
Allison, P. R. , Martindale, R., Stott, T., Gray, S., Nash, C., Fraser, K. , & Wang, J. (2018). The value of participating in British Exploring Society expeditions: A three year multi cohort study. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica, 54(1), 5-15. Invited. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.14712/23366052.2018.1
Allison, P. R. (2018). Kurt Hahn: Reformátor vzdělávání a mírový aktivista / Kurt Hahn: Educational reformer and peace activist. Gymnasion: Časopis pro zážitkovou pedagogiku, 12(1), 41-46. Invited.
Pearce, M., Saunders, D. H., Allison, P. R., & Turner, A. P. (2018). Indoor and outdoor context-specific contributions to early adolescent moderate to vigorous physical activity as measured by combined diary, accelerometer, and GPS. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15(1), 40-45. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1543-3080
Wurdinger, S., & Allison, P. (2017). Faculty perceptions and use of experiential learning in higher education. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 13(1), 15-26. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1826-6223
Schijf, M , Allison, P. R. , & Von Wald, K. (2017). Sail training: A systematic review. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 9(2), 167-180.
Thorburn, M., & Allison, P. R. (2017). Learning outdoors and living well? Conceptual prospects for enhancing curriculum planning and pedagogical practices. Cambridge Journal of Education, 47(1), 103-115. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0305-764X
Stott, T., Allison, P. R , Von Wald, K., & Fakunle, L. (2016). Exploring factors influencing outcomes of a five-week youth expedition in the Himalayas using the sail training programme self-assessment toolkit. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica, 52(2), 56-74. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.14712/23366052.2016.11
Fraser, K., Richards, H., & Allison, P. R. (2016). Sailing across the North Sea: The development of trust in a short-term high intensity environment. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica, 52(1), 67-84.
Hoffmanova, J., Sebek, L., Allison, P. R., Maina, M., & Toogood, J. (2016). The struggle for individuality: Investigating long-term pursuit of a lifestyle sport activity. Acta Gymnica, 46(2), 97-104. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.5507/ag.2016.007
Fakunle, L., Allison, P., & Fordyce, K. (2016). Chinese Postgraduate Students’ Perspectives on Developing Critical Thinking on an UK Education Masters. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(1), 27-38. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1927-2685
Allison, P. R. (2016). Six waves of outdoor education and still in a state of confusion: Dominant thinking and category mistakes. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (The Pedagogical Quarterly), 2(240), 176-184. Invited.
Allison, P., Gray, S., Sproule, J., Nash, C., Martindale, R., & Wang, J. (2015). Exploring contributions of project-based learning to health and wellbeing in secondary education. Improving Schools, 18(3), 207-220. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1365-4802
Stott, T., Allison, P., Felter, J., & Beames, S. (2015). Personal development on youth expeditions: A literature review and thematic analysis. Leisure Studies, 34(2), 197-229. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0261-4367
Toogood, J., Allison, P. R., McMillan, P., & Jess, M. (2014). Analysing constraints to participation in snowsports for pre-service teachers: A qualitative study of tourism for alpine (downhill) skiing. Current Issues in Tourism Research, 4(1), 19-40.
Allison, P. R., & Von Wald, K. (2013). Enough about the outcomes … What about the process: Personal development and experiential learning. Journal of Outdoor Activities, 7(1), 24-29.
Sproule, J., Martindale, R., Wang, J., Allison, P. R., Nash, C., & Gray, S. (2013). Investigating the experience of outdoor and adventurous project work in an educational setting using a self-determination framework. European Physical Education Review, 19(3), 315-328. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1356-336X
Thorburn, M., & Allison, P. R. (2013). Analysing attempts to support outdoor learning in Scottish schools. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 45(3), 418-440. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0022-0272
Allison, P. R., Davis-Berman, J., & Berman, D. (2012). Changes in latitude, changes in attitude: Analysis of the effects of reverse culture shock - A study of students returning from youth expeditions. Leisure Studies, 31(4), 487-503. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1080/02614367.2011.619011
Cousquer, G. , & Allison, P. R. (2012). Ethical responsibilities towards expedition pack animals: The mountain guide's and expedition leader's ethical responsibilities towards pack animals on expedition. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), 1839-1858.
Allison, P., Carr, D., & Meldrum, G. (2012). Potential for excellence: Interdisciplinary learning outdoors as a moral enterprise. Curriculum Journal, 23(1), 43-58. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0958-5176
Sproule, J., Ollis, S., Gray, S., Thorburn, M., Allison, P., & Horton, P. (2011). Promoting perseverance and challenge in physical education: The missing ingredient for improved games teaching. Sport Education and Society, 16(5), 665-684. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1357-3322
McCulloch, K., McLaughlin, P., Allison, P. R., Edwards, V., & Tett, L. (2010). Sail training as education: More than mere adventure. Oxford Review of Education, 36(6), 661-676.
Allison, P. R., & Von Wald, K. (2010). Exploring values and personal and social development: Learning through expeditions. Pastoral Care in Education, 28(3), 219-233. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0264-3944
Thorburn, M., & Allison, P. R. (2010). Are we ready to go outdoors now? The prospects for outdoor education during a period of curriculum renewal in Scotland. The Curriculum Journal, 21(1), 97-108. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0958-5176
Thomas, G., Potter, T., & Allison, P. R. (2009). A tale of three journals: An investigation of the development and future of AJOE, JAEOL and JEE. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 13(1), 16-29.
Woollven, R., Allison, P., & Higgins, P. (2007). Perception and reception: The introduction of licensing of adventure activities in Great Britain. Journal of Experiential Education, 30(1), 1-20. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1053-8259
Carr, D., Allison, P. R., & Meldrum, G. (2006). In search of excellence: Towards a more coherent Scottish common school curriculum for the twenty-first century. Scottish Educational Review, 38(1), 13-24.
Allison, P. R., & Telford, J. (2005). Turbulent times: Outdoor education in Great Britain 1993–2003. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 9(2), 21-30.
Allison, P. R., & Wurdinger, S. (2005). Understanding the power, promise and peril of the experiential learning process. Teacher Education and Practice, 18(4), 386-399.
Allison, P. R., & Higgins, P. (2002). Ethical adventures: Can we justify overseas youth expeditions in the name of education. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 6(2), 22-26.
Allison, P., & Pomeroy, E. (2000). How shall we “know?” Epistemological concerns in research in experiential education. Journal of Experiential Education, 23(2), 91-98. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1053-8259
Allison, P. R. (1998). Greenland: More questions than answers. Horizons: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 2, 16-20.
Articles Published in Nonrefereed Journals
Allison, P. R. (90%), & Beames, S. (2010). The changing geographies of overseas expeditions. International Journal of Wilderness, 16(3), 35-42.
Allison, P. R. (2004). Editorial: Time, trust and transition. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 4(2), 113-115.
Allison, P. (2004). Thoughts and Reflections on the Second Annual Symposium on Experiential Education Research. Journal of Experiential
Education, 26(3), 214-218. http:// ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1053-8259
Allison, P. R. (2003). Editorial: A sound bedrock for multiple approaches. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 3(1), 7-9.
Allison, P. R. (2003). Editorial: Critical thinking matters. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 3(2), 115-117.
Allison, P. (2003). Correction. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 3(1), 5-5. http://
ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1472-9679
Allison, P. (2003). Editorial. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 3(1), 7-9. http://
ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1472-9679
Allison, P. R. (2002). Editorial: Growth and enrichment. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2(2), 82-83.
Allison, P. (Author), & Richards, K. (2002). Editorial: Building a body of knowledge? Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 2(1), 5-7.
http:// ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1472-9679
Allison, P. R. (2001). School trips and youth expeditions: Time for a united front? Horizons, 16(1), 15-17.
Allison, P. (Author), & Richards, K. (2001). Editorial. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 1(2), 5-6.
http:// ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1472-9679
Allison, P. R. (1995). Inclusion of people with disabilities in challenge education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 12(3), 10-
12. Invited.