The Kurt Hahn Consortium for Values and Experiential Learning
Associate Professor: The Pennsylvania State University
Pete Allison, PhD
Values and Experiential Learning
Parry, J. & Allison, P. (2019). Experiential Learning and Outdoor Education: Traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives. (134 pp). London, UK: Routledge. .
Veevers, N., & Allison, P. R. (2011). Kurt Hahn: Inspirational, visionary, outdoor and experiential educator. (121 pp). Rotterdam: Sense.
Smith, T., & Allison, P. R. (2006). Outdoor experiential leadership: Scenarios describing incidents, dilemmas and opportunities. (370 pp). Tulsa, OK: Learning Unlimited.
Allison, P. R. (2000). Research from the ground up: Post-expedition adjustment. (79 pp). Cumbria: Brathay Hall Trust.
Allison, P. R. (1996). The Bradford Papers Volume VI. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University.